Shrink down the size of the bouquet some. If you are over on your initial floral budget and need to save some money, downsize your flowers. You can do this by having the bridesmaids flowers go from a medium size bouquet to a small size. Or, instead of a large bouquet at the church, try something smaller or use candles with fresh flowers at the base. You might also consider using fewer main flowers and more filler flowers and greenery to reduce costs.

When a florist works with your budget, it is very important to know what you like and what you don’t like. For example, to work within your budget, the florist may add carnations to your flowers to add color or dimension. It is helpful for the florist to know if these are flowers you like or ones you dislike. Pictures are great to show examples of what you prefer. Snap photos from your phone, start a board on Pinterest, or tear out pictures from magazines.

By adding more greenery and accent flowers, you can make large bouquets on a budget and still create the overall look that you want. This example below shows the use of straw flowers as filler and as a burst of purple color to the bouquet.

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